Welcome to the American Greed Factory Podcast. Every podcast we encapsulate the week through conversations about pop culture, politics, and personal revelations. Goodbye America.


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American Greed Factory - Episode 163: Area 51

Nathan and Conlan discuss the Charlie Hebdo shooting, Conlan's new computer, Hatred the video game, President Obama visits the plant, the Lions lose, Oliver Stone’s Untold History of the United States. Outro: Soul Coughing Unmarked Helicopters.


American Greed Factory - Episode 162: Whiskey Balls

Rough booze, Terminator we miss you, Low calorie nuggets, every calorie is sacred, The Hero’s of open carry, Hipster gun nuts, Strange comedy, Best of 2014 kinda, More Florida fun, Money well spent…on assassination, Michael Jordon Tweets, more strange comedy, NIN Hesitation marks album talk, shopping at IKEA, screw bomb, Giant tool boxes, Best Video games 2014.


American Greed Factory - Episode 161: A Very Putin Christmas

Christmas gifts, those crazy foreigners, Putin cancels Christmas due to the Ruble crisis, the 100 show, the Leftovers, Nine Inch Nails the Slip.


American Greed Factory - Episode 160: Burn Those Boats You Came With

Pink Floyd and the gay illuminati, Abby Road studio, Trashcanistan, the gas conspiracy, fusion, being green with 50’s tech, giant foreign wall plugs, pump your own death, sports talk, the last Colbert, why Louis CK ruins my day, Christmas Fraud, Addy House, Ascension tv show, Nine Inch Nails Ghosts, new computers and tablets. Outro: America Tin Man.


American Greed Factory - Episode 159: The Torture Report: CIA torture porn

CIA torture porn, College prank terrorism, Video game intro’s, Nine Inch nails year zero, health talk sad out.